Senin, 18 April 2016


Diposting oleh Unknown di 17.57 0 komentar
Hayy..guys..I;m back.
long time no see.......

oke..perharps i will use this blog with english language coz i wanna develop my english skills...(sorry..if my english not good enough but i will try to be the best of me)

i wanna learn more english coz i think english is very important for me to apply shcolarship aboard or when u apply some job.

sinca!! i wanna continue my study aboard. Amin!!!

i think, that's enough :D
thank you for your atttention

Rabu, 22 April 2015

i dont know what i feel

Diposting oleh Unknown di 11.07
23 April 2012, 12.57 a.m
kangen banget dgn dia tpi cuma bisa disimpan dalam hati. mengelak itu gak enak, berbicara jujur pun gak mungkin. yeah..sekali lagi hanya aku dan Tuhanku yang tahu. kadang aq g mau merasakan rasanya jatuh cinta bila ujungnya hanya sakit yang kurasa. aku gak mau meneteskan air mata hanya karna hal ini. aku gak mau jatuh cinta dengan orang yang salah. ya Tuhan beri aku yang terbaik dari segala yang terbaik. aq hanya mau dengan orang yg mencintaiku dan aku pun mencintainya dan cinta itu timbul karenaMu.
setiap hari cuma mikirin dia. makan, tidur, belajar selalu ada dia di otak. hampir tiap malam begadang hanya untuk menunggu sms darinya.

Rabu, 04 Februari 2015

3-6-5! acoustic eng sub

Diposting oleh Unknown di 01.11 0 komentar

relax with me, listen to songs
sleep in a bit and give a yawn
all of your pain, laugh them away
be a bit carefree it;s okay

life might be hard, and you might fall
you might cry, but give it your all
if you just wait, then you will see
everything will end happily

I'll always cheers for you, all your wishses will come true

3-6-5! I'll be here for you
every morning and night, right here in your arms
3-6-5! each time of the day, boy, I'm willing to be 
right here in your arms

whoa oh oh oh
3-6-5! our hands together
whoa oh oh oh
3-6-5! we'll have each other
3-6-5! in love forever

Tiada Ternilai

Diposting oleh Unknown di 00.53 0 komentar

Di hatiMu terukir namaku
Di mataMu terlukis wajahku
bukan karna kuat gagahku
namun hanya karna kemurahanMu

Jumat, 05 Juli 2013

Tangga - Cinta Tak Mungkin Berhenti

Diposting oleh Unknown di 20.23 0 komentar
so sweeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttttttttttttttt........................T.T

HiVi! - "Orang Ke-3" Official MV HD

Diposting oleh Unknown di 20.02 0 komentar
This song may be practically personal story ya .... hahaha
yes it is true... that the song could represent the word can not be ejected from the lip.. :D


Jumat, 22 Maret 2013


Diposting oleh Unknown di 05.07 0 komentar
This video really unique. erotic dance was ok but it's okay because cool hahaha
I love this same principal
check this! : D


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